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Our Managed Funds

Our Funds

With offices in Connetcicut and Florida,we operate two macro based funds. We strive to achieve both short term and long term gains in the highly chaotic and volatile markets that we have seen and that lie ahead. Our research team is untiring, and has built a track record of trading results to match. 

Q4 Capital Group Macro Fund 

The Q4 Capital Macro Fund was launched at the beginning of 2018, restructured at the end of 2020, and was created with the vision of capitalizing on market volatility, in both direct and indirect fashion. As the Central Banks have continued to suppress interest rates and expand their balance sheets to unimagined levels, we have seen an upward trend in volatility levels, credit instability, commodity inflation and recently headline inflation. 

Q4 Capital Group FX Opportunity Fund

The Q4 Capital FX Opportunity Fund was launched at the beginning of 2021 with a focus on growing currency and credit instability in the China and Hong Kong areas. Although most have not entirely noticed, China and Hong Kong have become synonymous, a subtle shift that has been unfolding for the past several years with large disruptive effects on the world economy.

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